نشان کن
کد آگهی: KP4050149628

طراحی سایت با پایتون Apachi flick

در خراسان رضوی
در وبسایت کارلنسر  (2 هفته پیش)
اطلاعات شغل:
امکان دورکاری و کار در منزل: دارد
نوع همکاری:  پروژه‌ای
مهارت‌های مورد نیاز:
برنامه نویسی
برنامه نویسی وب
کد نویسی
بازه حقوق:  از 2,000,000 تا 5,000,000 تومان
نحوه پرداخت:  پروژه‌ای
متن کامل آگهی:
In this assessment, you will implement the orchestration of an application using the Apollo runtime system developed. The project is divided into 3 tasks with an increasing level of difficulty. Try to find sophisticated and performance efficient solutions. Simple solutions achieve lower grades in the evaluation. The following paragraphs provide details about the application and the steps required as part of the individual project tasks. Before starting with the project, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the Apollo runtime system, e.g., by completing its tutorial project. Application Description In this project, your goal is the implementation of an application to search through a given text string and count the occurrences of a given string pattern in that text. The input and output of the application, thus, look as follows: • Input: – A (potentially large) text string s – A pattern string p – An integer w defining the number of words per text batch – (only for Task 2) an integer m defining the occurrence threshold • Output: – The number r of occurrences of the pattern string in the text string – The text string s’ (t is potentially modified in Task 2) The application performs following steps: 1.The text string s is divided into a number of batches, each (but one) containing w words 2. Each text batch is processed by counting the occurrences of the pattern string p therein 3. The occurrences of the pattern in the individual batches are summed up to the overall occurrence number r 4. (only in Task 2): If the overall number of occurrences exceeds the occurrence threshold (r > m), all but the first m occurrences of p are deleted from s, creating the (potentially modified) text string s’ NOTE: Your program should be generic. Do not hardcode your solution for a specific input. Example: • Input: – s: ”one one one two one" – p: ”one" – w: 2 – m: 2 • Output: – r: 4 – s’: * ”one one one two one" (Task 1) * ”one one two" (Task 2) Task 1 Implement the workflow describing the application above (you can ignore the parts annotated with "Task 2"). Implement the workflow functions and deploy them, either on AWS Lambda, IBM Cloud Functions or as Docker images. The solution to this task should feature an executable project, where the application can be orchestrated using the Apollo runtime system (you will need to provide us either the AWS Lambda urls, IBM Cloud Function urls, or the Docker image). Task 2 Same as Task 1, but now for the complete application, in particular the potential modification of the input string. For the implementation of the modification operation, you should prioritize minimizing the latency by exploiting possibilities for parallelization. Note: In case you want to use the AFCL IF Compound for this task, please be aware of a current inconsistencies between the AFCL Editor and the AFCL Syntax expected by Apollo: • Apollo expects you to provide the type of the data used in the if condition. You have to add a type entry to the condition generated by the editor. Please refer to the AFCL website for examples of the correct IF syntax. Task 3 For the last task, you should deploy the functions on AWS/IBM AND as Docker images. Implement a performance oriented scheduler (execution should be as fast as possible) which will, depending on the number of the text batches, schedule all operations on the Docker resources (in cases where there are less than 10 batches) or on AWS/IBM functions (in cases where there are at least 10 batches) and integrate this scheduler into the application project. Note: This task goes beyond the content of the tutorial and is intentionally more challenging. For details about the implementation of task scheduling in Apollo, please refer to the corresponding part of its source code . Task Submission Ideally, you should submit your solution by providing us with access to a PRIVATE GitHub repository (give the GitHub user dps-uibk access to your private repository) containing an executable orchestration of the application described above (containing the necessary input files, the function code you deployed, the Apollo configuration (and,ideally, launch) files, as well as a brief instruction on how to start the execution). You could, for example, use the same project and folder structure as Apollo’s demo repository . Useful Links Please find below a list of useful links (they are already linked in the text above, but some PDF viewers may not display them): Content Link Apollo Tutorial https://github.com/Apollo-Core/Tutorial AFCL Website https://apollowf.github.io/learn.html Apollo Scheduler Repository https://github.com/Apollo-Core/SC-Core Apollo Demo Project https://github.com/Apollo-Core/EE-Demo

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گزارش مشکل آگهی
یک‌شنبه 13 خرداد 1403، ساعت 22:39